Keeping working class communities of color in their homes by making housing permanently affordable and democratically owned.

​Unlike other affordable housing organizations, BVCLT will ensure that the housing it builds or rehabilitates will remain permanently affordable beyond the first residents.


A community land trust is a property trust which aims to benefit the surrounding community by ensuring the long-term availability of affordable housing and access to land. Land is taken out of the market and separated from its productive use so that the impact of land appreciation is removed, this is a very peculiar approach to ownership. Using this mechanism a community land trust, usually known as a CLT, attempts to meet the needs of residents least served by the prevailing market. A community land trust is usually a private non-profit corporation that intends to be democratically controlled.


We are a nonprofit 501.c.3 organization founded by L.A. Eco-Village, CRSP and residents living near the Vermont/Beverly Metro Station. Our role is to decommodify land and promote community control in Koreatown and surrounding neighborhoods by organizing with working class communities of color.

Latest News

  • Reclaiming Our Neighborhood Report

    Please click on the title to read our full report on anti-displacement and the sourced of funding we need to preserve affordable units in Koreatown.

  • 2024 Annual Member Meeting

    We held our annual board elections on April 24th at The Korean Resource Center where we reviewed our growth in staffing, fundraising, new projects, and elected a new slate of board members while saying goodbye to some dedicated members. In this event the community got to learn about our financial reports and vote in the…

  • Reclaim the Neighborhood Report Launch Workshop

    On February 21st, 2024 at The Bangladeshi Community Development Center operated by South Asian Network we hosted a launch of our Reclaiming The Neighborhood Report. There, we covered how much is costs to buy a building in Koreatown, stories from community members, and where are the resources are to buy buildings. We held interpretation options…

Our Partners

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Get Involved

BVCLT host 2 member committees meetings throughout the month related to cultural organizing, political organizing, and land stewardship. We also host students once a year to support in community research as well as offer a yearly paid Community Ownership Fellowship program to train residents in organizing around collective stewardship.